We are going to invoke the luck god, the panda Rakku, who guards the magical portal to his kingdom. He will open the doors to the spiritual world and reveal its secrets only to those who demonstrate their luck.

The game is set in a realm where the physical and spiritual worlds converge. We will play in a garden inspired by Japanese and Chinese elements, accompanied by grand music that complements our journey. We'll pass through a large Torii portal to a mountainous landscape where Rakku, a playful panda, and his wheels full of prizes await us. However, it's not all so straightforward: there is a spirit in the wheel that can make you lose your three chances in this bonus. But the excitement increases as Rakku will help you with his powers and give you more chances.

Symbol set

The Character: Rakku


Animation and FX concept
Art Direction + 2D Art + Animatics by SantiagoCQ.art
3D Model by Pablo García & Rolando Rodríguez
3D animation by Julian Coronado
GameCoder Studios
3D Model by Pablo García & Rolando Rodríguez
3D animation by Julian Coronado
GameCoder Studios
Art supervisor Pan Vonsayan
Game designer Kim Yost
Sound & music design Stuart Dubey
Game designer Kim Yost
Sound & music design Stuart Dubey